UHURU Innovative solutions provides an online platform providing various services, including but not limited to providing payment services allowing users to send/receive money to/from other users or non-users and make payments in South Africa and Zimbabwe, and throughout the SADC region (collectively, the “Services”).
These Terms explain the conditions applicable to how users must make use of the Website and the core provisions applicable to a user’s use of any Services derived from UHURU. Depending on the exact Services used, a user may also need to conclude additional agreements with UHURU, which agreements will contain more specific details relating to the exact Service acquired, including exact services and fees to be expected.
In return for using some of the Services available, the user may have to pay a fee to UHURU or another third party (“Fee”), but the same Fee will be detailed to you on the Website before you incur such a Fee, or in any further Service-specific agreement you may conclude with UHURU or another third party.
In order to use the Services, users must register on the Uhuruwallet or on the website using the prompted methods and submit any required information to create a user profile.
The Website and these Terms are subject to change without notice. These Terms are updated or amended from time to time and will be effective upon UHURU uploading the amended Terms to the Website. Your continued access or use of the Website constitutes your acceptance to be bound by the Terms, as amended. It is your responsibility to read these Terms periodically to ensure you are aware of any changes.
Unauthorized use of the Website may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offense.